Magic Moments mit Peter Redlin

Following an invite from the German Design Council, Peter Redlin will be speaking at the Magic Moments Exhibition Design Conference on June 5 in Frankfurt. He will be giving insights into the exhibition in the German Pavilion at EXPO 2015 in Milan. Within the Consortium German Pavilion (Milla & Partner/SCHMIDHUBER/ NÜSSLI.), Peter is the Creative Director responsible for the concept of content as well as for the design of exhibition and media.

EXPO 2015 will be focussing on an explosive topic: „Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life“. Germany takes the EXPO 2015 theme seriously, making a credible and authentic contribution whilst being entertaining and engaging. Peter Redlin will describe specific design principles that can be found everywhere in the Pavilion, talk about the close link between outside and inside, how visitors will be activated in surprising ways and how he plans to use new, fascinating technology.
