Last week, the Erwin Hymer Museum celebrated its first birthday. Now there is further reason to congratulate: at the ADAM award ceremony last night, the Museum was awarded a silver Apple. After DDC, iF, Galaxy and Golden Award of Montreux, this is now the fifth award for the Museum. Which makes us happy too!

The Erwin Hymer Museum in Bad Waldsee was opened a year ago. Since then, the museum has become a firm fixture in the cultural and museum landscape not only in the Lake Constance region. „90,000 visitors in its first year is a great success“ rejoiced Susanne Hinzen, Managing Director of the Erwin Hymer Foundation.

Über viele Jahre war alles ganz klar geregelt: Vorne stand jemand und redete, hinten saßen viele und hörten zu. Danach wurden Fragen gestellt und beantwortet, bis der Nächste an die Reihe kam. Dazwischen wurde gegessen, getrunken und sich ausgetauscht, alles in einem überschaubaren Rahmen.

Interview mit Claudius Brodmann und Johannes Milla

Welche technologischen Innovationen werden in Zukunft die Kommunikation auf Messen verändern? Was bedeutet das für die Gestaltung von Messeständen und ihre Rolle im Kommunikationsmix? Die Redaktion sprach mit Johannes Milla, Geschäftsführer von Milla & Partner, und Claudius Brodmann, Kreativdirektor im hauseigenen Innovationslabor der Agentur.

Sie steuern ein unbemanntes Unterseeboot aus der Ferne, entwickeln mit Ingenieuren und Designern das Auto der Zukunft und diskutieren mit Wissenschaftlern über eine supraleitende Magnetschwebebahn.

Construction under way! From 11 - 23 August, the ThyssenKrupp Ideas Park will open its doors in Essen. For 13 days, ThyssenKrupp will transform the trade fair grounds including the surrounding Grugapark into Germany´s largest temporary Science Center: a creative urban landscape full of exciting imaginative exhibits, such as the DigiTal, the Energy Park or the SpaceStation - inviting visitors to discover this world of ideas with exhibits that demonstrate solutions being developed by science, research and economy.

The interactive installation and cross-medial communication chain „This is the AND“, created for the introduction of the new corporate design of Milla & Partner, excelled at the red dot award: communication design 2012 in the category of event design. After Crea, DDC, iF and ADC, this is the fifth award to be won by „This is the AND“.

With their urban walks „My Stuttgart“, the foundation Stiftung Geißstraße together with the daily Stuttgarter Zeitung have a tradition of taking a closer look at the city of Stuttgart from varying perspectives. On Saturday, 30 June, a tour with Johannes Milla is on the program. Theme of the approximately two-hour tour is how aggressive or harrassing outdoor advertising can change the city image.

On 21 and 22 June 2012, the Stuttgart Media University in cooperation with Milla & Partner will host the convention „SocialMania - media, politics, and the privatization of the public“, organised by students of the faculty. Central theme is the influence of social media on politics and society. Activists and experts of the scene will trigger discussions with brief lectures in plenary sessions, including blogger Markus Beckedahl, network transparency advocate Anke Domscheit-Berg, F.A.Z. publisher Frank Schirrmacher and ProSiebenSat.1. digital Director Eun Kyung Park.

Last weekend, the German Volcanic Museum Lava-Dome in Mendig welcomed its 400,000th visitor. This means that actual guest numbers have far exceeded the planned numbers. The museum was initiated by the city Mendig, in order to enrich the regional volcanic park with a central attraction. According to museum director Helmut Koll, one reason for the museum´s popularity is the extremely positive evaluation by teachers and their recommendations.

The international jury at Lake Geneva has pronounced the exhibition in the Erwin Hymer Museum as gold-worthy. For their excellent work in the recently opened museum in Bad Waldsee, Milla & Partner will receive the Golden the Award of Montreux in the category „Permanent Spatial Communication „. The Award is highly regarded world-wide, over 3.000 entries in the six main catego-ries were submitted in 2012.

Wer seinen Hausstand dabeihat, ist unabhängig und kann bleiben, wo es ihm gefällt. Caravaning ist deshalb sehr beliebt. Wie das mobile Reisen sich verändert hat, erleben Besucher im neuen Hymer-Museum in Bad Waldsee.

As agency for spatial communication, we have longstanding experience with how dialogue and interaction function in different environments. So how can we contribute to the discussion about the use of public places and buildings with our view of communication?

Herr Milla, was stört Sie am Neuen Schloss?
Am Neuen Schloss gar nichts. Mich stört aber, wie das Gebäude genutzt wird. Es ist die räumliche, visuelle und historische Mitte Stuttgarts wie auch Baden-Württembergs.