Milla & Partner has won the pitch for the design of the permanent exhibition in the Rhön Nature Experience Center at the Hammelburg site. This new public institution will be a lighthouse project for education and communication of the UNESCO biosphere reserve Rhön with a focus on sustainability. The opening is planned for 2025.

The new show workshop in the Erwin Hymer Museum opened end of January. Visitors can now follow the workshop team at work and witness how historic museum vehicles are lovingly cared for, maintained and restored. Embedded in the foyer of the Erwin Hymer Museum, the museum workshop picks up on design elements of the museum's interior design and blends seamlessly into the overall experience. More about the workshop

THE LÄND is a winner. Created together with Jung von Matt, THE LÄND is a campaign that promotes Baden-Württemberg as a modern destination well worth working and living in to both national and global professionals. Honored by GWA with a silver Effie in this years "Transformation" category.

The Buildner "Memorial for Witches" competition looks to remind the public of the ways in which society once dealt with irrational fears. Competition participants can choose any injustice that is either currently ongoing or an issue from the past and select any site that would be an appropriate location for a theoretical memorial structure. Submitted designs could function as a source of education about past events, or a method of whistleblowing and raising awareness of ongoing injustices. Sebastian Letz, partner, architect and creative director at Milla & Partner, will be part of the Jury panel appointed for this competition. More about the call for entries

The Baden-Württemberg House on the Expo site in Dubai has now been handed over to the United Arab Emirates Government. It will be used as part of the new model city Expo City Dubai being built on the Expo 2020 Dubai site. So the Expo Pavilion will remain a showcase for Baden-Württemberg's engineering expertise in an international model region for innovative urban spaces long after the Expo has ended ...

Milla & Partner´s Creative Producer Thomas Schweikert has been appointed to the jury of this year's Coding da Vinci competition - a cultural hackathon that links the worlds of technology and culture. In 2022, more than 30 cultural institutions from the southwest of the republic will make data and content available to participants. Jury meeting and award ceremony will take place in Stuttgart on 24. June. More about the competition