The German Pavilion at Expo Milan has been honoured with three more international awards: a Green GOOD DESIGN Award from the European Centre for Architecture Art Design and Urban Studies and The Chicago Athenaeum: Museum of Architecture and Design, a Golden Award of Montreux for the Pavilion, and an Award from the same competition for the SeedBoard.  

Der Beschluss des Haushaltsausschusses des Deutschen Bundestags, die Arbeiten am Denkmal der Freiheit und Einheit ab sofort zu beenden, überrascht und erschüttert uns. Gerade jetzt, da alle offenen Fragen geklärt sind und die Baugenehmigung erteilt wurde, können wir die Entscheidung in keiner Weise nachvollziehen.  ...

A German Design Award went to the Hager Forum last Friday in the category "excellent communication design - architecture". In the architecture created by Sauerbruch Hutton, Milla & Partner designed exhibitions and showrooms in which space and media installations combine to become  multidimensional stories.

We are honoured to receive an iF Award for the new Brand Experience Centre Vaillant Expo in Remscheid, as well as as yet a further Award for the German Pavilion at the Milan Expo last year!

The SeedBoard technology developed for the exhibition in the German Pavilion EXPO Milano also has great potential for retail and POS. Johannes Milla spoke about it at the latest brand eins retail conference in Hamburg. brand eins has now published the lecture here.

The German Designers Club presented their annual awards in a festive ceremony last friday evening. The German Pavilion "Fields of ideas" at this years´ Expo in Milan was one of the honoured projects - we are thrilled with the now eighth award for the pavilion!

Johannes recently held the first semester lecture at FH Aachen in the design faculty. In the aftermath, students conducted a brief interview with him and asked questions on topics such as digital interaction between spaces and visitors, the connection of digital and tactile experiences or quo vadis augmented reality? to the interview

Four awards for Milla & Partner at last night´s awards ceremony: gold for the innovative SeedBoard as "best interactive installation", gold for the German Pavilion as "best public event" and bronze for the German Pavilion as "best thematic exhibition". Moreover, "THE CIRCUIT" also scored points in the same category as the SeedBoard ...